Stellantis will continue to produce cars with SUS engines if customers want it | Post Date: May 01, 2024 | Stella tis has ambitious pla s to offer exclusively electric passe ger vehicles i Europe by 2030. I the US, their goal is for 50 perce t of the offer to be EVs. This is at the heart of the co glomerate's Dare Forward 2030 pla , a d despite the slowdow i electric car sales i the US, the tre d is still positive.
What is importa t to co clude from this pla is that Stella tis does ot wa t to limit the choice for customers, a d that it will co ti ue to produce cars with i ter al combustio if customers wa t it, reports Klix.ba.
Despite the electric strategy, Stella tis has a fresh ra ge of STLA platforms desig ed to accommodate electric or i ter al combustio power u its. The compa y sees this as a adva tage i the future, a d at a time whe the automotive i dustry is tra sitio i g to electric e ergy, such flexibility is certai ly a adva tage. O the other ha d, it's hard ot to wo der what will happe if, by 2030, 75 perce t of US buyers still wa t a car with a SUS e gi e? Whether that will override the 50 perce t pla outli ed i the Dare Forward 2030 strategy remai s to be see .
CFO of the Stella tis group, Natalie K ight, emphasized that their platforms are extremely flexible, but that does ot mea that the EV revolutio will ot happe .
Although the future is u certai , a spokesperso for Stella tis co firmed that the compa y is ot cha gi g or reviewi g aspects of its 2030 goal. The pla is still 50 perce t of electricity i the US a d 100 perce t i Europe. I Europe, sales of electric vehicles co ti ue to do well. Looki g at the curre t sales tre d a d the model ra ge a d if the auto market does ot make a sig ifica t adjustme t, a ew li e of cars that are 50 perce t electric could have a hard time selli g i the US. | |
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