In the plan is another redesign for Peugeot 2008 and keeping the SUS engine | Post Date: May 01, 2024 | Peugeot does ot wa t to get rid of the golde cock so soo . Although the successor should be fully electric, the Fre ch bra d has decided to exte d the life cycle of the curre t model u til 2029 i order to avoid the commercial "suicide" of its successful SUV.
I rece t mo ths, we have wit essed the redefi itio of lo g-term strategic pla s of car bra ds. The vast majority of them decide ot to i vest i the developme t of a ew ge eratio , but to exte d the life cycle of the existi g models with a thorough redesig a d use of SUS e gi es as lo g as possible.
This recog izable tech ique, which ma ufacturers have bee usi g for decades, will be eve more pro ou ced. I additio to visually refreshi g the car i the eyes of customers, it simulta eously e ables lower developme t costs a d the sale of cars as if they were bra d ew. After all, the vast majority of customers do ot u dersta d it at all, accordi g to Klix.ba.
The delay i the e try i to force of the ew Euro 7 sta dard is o e of the factors for such a commercial strategy, but also for what the future holds for electric cars. The reality is that, o matter how hard the politicia s try, the citize s of Europe are ot ready, a d either is the i frastructure, which is why bra ds are starti g to pull back. That is why it is better to exte d the life cycle with aesthetic cha ges. The right ca didate is the Peugeot 2008, which is awaiti g thorough restyli g, but also relyi g o i ter al combustio e gi es.
Peugeot 2008 is o e of the most importa t SUVs of the Fre ch bra d. Its seco d ge eratio raised it to the highest positio s i the sales ra ks o the Europea co ti e t, so, co sideri g the situatio , Peugeot decided to exte d its life cycle o the market u til almost 2030. The curre t model, which was prese ted less tha five years ago, will remai o sale at least u til 2029, the Fre ch media write. This exte sio for a additio al two to three years cha ges the origi al pla , so it is expected that the seco d ge eratio of 2008 will accumulate eve 10 years o the market. | |
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