Aston Martin doubled its loss | Post Date: May 01, 2024 | Asto Marti posted sig ifica tly higher losses i the first quarter, as the compa y halted productio of its core models ahead of the lau ch of a ew ra ge of vehicles.
Adjusted pre-tax loss almost doubled to 110.5 millio pou ds ($137.8 millio ) compared with a loss of 57.3 millio pou ds the previous year. A alysts had expected a loss of 93 millio pou ds i the first quarter, accordi g to Reuters.
Reve ue fell 10% to £267.7m, while et debt rose 20% to £1.04b .
Asto Marti said the delivery of four ew models i 2024 will fuel "sig ifica t growth" i the seco d half of the year a d beyo d.
"Our performa ce i the first quarter reflects this expected period of tra sitio , as we halted productio a d delivery of our outgoi g base models ahead of rampi g up productio of the ew Va tage, the upgraded DBX707 a d our future V12 flagship sports car," said chairma Lawre ce Stroll.
Stroll added that Asto Marti took a "sig ifica t step" i stre gthe i g its bala ce sheet i the quarter, as it completed a refi a ci g with improved terms o five-year se ior secured otes followi g a upgrade to its credit rati g.
"Asto Marti will be u iquely positio ed with a completely re ewed core model ra ge by the e d of the year," the compa y said.
By regio , wholesale volumes fell 35% i the Americas, 30% i the U ited Ki gdom a d 17% i the wider EMEA regio . Asia-Pacific volumes fell 14%.
Wholesale SUV sales fell 63% due to a "tra sitio al decli e i volume ahead of the rece tly a
ou ced lau ch of the ew DBX707 model," accordi g to the compa y. |
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